Tuesday, September 22, 2015

YOUR LYRICS~analysis

Your "Automatic" and/or "My Mama's Brokenheart is DUE TODAY.

Use the SIFT ANALYSIS STRATEGY to analyze/evaluate the song of your choice.


Monday, September 21, 2015

SIFT Method of Literary Analysis

Today we will be reviewing "Hotel California" by the Eagles.  We will then use the SIFT analysis Strategy to analyze and compare "Automatic" and My Mama's Heartbreak" by Miranda Lambert.  Later this week you will be using the same SIFT strategy to analyze and present your findings on a song of your choice.


Mama's Broken Heart


Friday, September 18, 2015

Parts of Speech presentations

I can't wait to see what y'all have accomplished with your parts of speech presentations.

If time permits we will be looking at the SIFT strategy for analyzing literature and begin with poetry.

Happy Friday!

Figurative Language and music lyrics

Did you know that music is considered poetry?

SIFT video

Figurative Language definitions

Automatic by Miranda Lambert lyrics

Automatic video

Mama's Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert video

Mama's Broken Heart lyrics

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Three (3) Week ASSESSMENT

Today you will be taking a 3-week ASSESSMENT.

Please take your time and answer each question carefully.  When you are finished, please work silently or you may read.

One suggestion is to work on your song lyrics for analysis.  You may send me the name and artist and I will print them out for you.

If you've already gotten your song lyrics you may work on vocabulary.com.

Make a great day!